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[EIB]⋙ [PDF] Gratis One Man Chronic Pain Poetry from the Heart edition by Michael Fernandez Ann Crock Literature Fiction eBooks

One Man Chronic Pain Poetry from the Heart edition by Michael Fernandez Ann Crock Literature Fiction eBooks

Download As PDF : One Man Chronic Pain Poetry from the Heart edition by Michael Fernandez Ann Crock Literature Fiction eBooks

Download PDF One Man Chronic Pain Poetry from the Heart  edition by Michael Fernandez Ann Crock Literature  Fiction eBooks

This eBook is a collection of poetry written by writer and chronic migraineur Michael Fernandez only during the most severe migraines. The eBook reflects one chronically ill patient with two invisible illnesses struggling through each day of his first month writing poetry to deal with his pain. The poetry deals with all sorts of aches and pains but also concerns itself with FDA policy, neurological stigma, invisible illness, chronic illness, and of often refers to my rare 1 in 1.5 million people diagnosis of Churg-Strauss Syndrome. The combination of 2-5 migraines every single day and the nerve pain with trouble breathing has brough my average pain level to that of an 8/10 on the pain scale, it would have anyone cringing in pain every momennt of every day. This is nearly 3 years of this pain now and I've found writing to be a way out for me. I just hope you enjoy reading this for it took me immense agony, emotion, blood, sweat, and tears to get through all of these.

Without further ado I present 30 of my first published poems, may someone find companionship, comfort and some peace in my words! All proceeds will go towards raising migraine awareness through my website where these poems were first written. Enjoy the migraine art on the cover done by artist Ann Crock

One Man Chronic Pain Poetry from the Heart edition by Michael Fernandez Ann Crock Literature Fiction eBooks

I applaud this author for writing about the realities of how his chronic pain has affected his life. I could relate to each poem because I too suffer from a very similar form of chronic pain and know all to well how your life can change in an instant because of it. The depth in which he describes each obstacle he is forced to face during his battle with chronic migraines and rare churg-strauss syndrome, is very compelling. I really look forward to reading more work by this writer.

Product details

  • File Size 1202 KB
  • Print Length 58 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Michael Fernandez (December 2, 2013)
  • Publication Date December 2, 2013
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read One Man Chronic Pain Poetry from the Heart  edition by Michael Fernandez Ann Crock Literature  Fiction eBooks

Tags : One Man's Chronic Pain: Poetry from the Heart - Kindle edition by Michael Fernandez, Ann Crock. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading One Man's Chronic Pain: Poetry from the Heart.,ebook,Michael Fernandez, Ann Crock,One Man's Chronic Pain: Poetry from the Heart,Michael Fernandez,POETRY General,MEDICAL General
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One Man Chronic Pain Poetry from the Heart edition by Michael Fernandez Ann Crock Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

This book touched me. It is one man using his writing to fight his chronic pain and health issues and at the same time spread awareness of these invisible diseases. While it was difficult to read as it is very graphic, I am part of the chronic pain community and I know every word to be true!! Please help Michael on his journey to spread awareness as he writes from the heart. I would recommend this book to anyone who feels alone on their journey. This author is there to help you.
One can tell that the author went through a great deal of pain to write this. Support the author and his cause by buying the book. Get well soon, Mike!!
I applaud this author for writing about the realities of how his chronic pain has affected his life. I could relate to each poem because I too suffer from a very similar form of chronic pain and know all to well how your life can change in an instant because of it. The depth in which he describes each obstacle he is forced to face during his battle with chronic migraines and rare churg-strauss syndrome, is very compelling. I really look forward to reading more work by this writer.
Ebook PDF One Man Chronic Pain Poetry from the Heart  edition by Michael Fernandez Ann Crock Literature  Fiction eBooks

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